下单即可获得 34 奖励积分
通过我们的奖励计划赚取 500 积分并在下次订购时获得 5 英镑的折扣。
去角质 2% BHA 爽肤水 温和释放水杨酸
使用这款经临床验证的 2% β-羟基酸 (BHA) 日常爽肤水,可使肤色明显变得清透。这款强效去充血产品由 Medik8 精心优化,对皮肤无害,旨在成为任何清洁皮肤方案中的必备品。
尺寸: 150 毫升/5 盎司
Unlock by twisting the top half of the pump anti-clockwise until it clicks to activate. After cleansing in the morning and/or evening, hold a facial pad (reusable is best) firmly over Press & Clear and push down 3-4 times. Sweep the pad over the complexion, avoiding the delicate eye area. Twist the pump clockwise until it clicks to secure. Store out of direct sunlight. We advise new users to apply once a day and note the skin’s response, then use up to twice daily. Patch testing prior to use is advised.
Quality Skincare from The M-ethod Aesthetics with
a Peace of Mind
在 The M-ethod™ Aesthetics,我们为您的每笔订单提供持续的护肤支持(通过 WhatsApp/短信/电子邮件/电话)。这是我们表达感激和照顾客户的方式。联系我们了解更多信息。