وسادات التقشير AlphaRet®
In compliance with skinbetter regulations, access to this product requires an active account with us.
If you are looking to replenish, please contact us via WhatsApp.
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بشرة باهتة وغير متساوية اللون والملمس والخطوط والتجاعيد.
ضمادات تقشير تحتوي على الريتينويد الحائز على جائزة AlphaRet، وهي تقنية فريدة تتكون من مزيج من الريتينويد وحمض ألفا هيدروكسي (AHA)، إلى جانب مزيج ثلاثي الأحماض من حمض الجليكوليك وحمض اللاكتيك وحمض الساليسيليك، في ضمادات معبأة بشكل فردي.
لماذا ستحبه: تقشير إضافي، وتحسين مظهر نعومة البشرة، ووضوحها، والخطوط والتجاعيد.
تم اختبار جميع منتجات Skin Better Science بواسطة أطباء الجلدية، وهي خالية من البارابين، وخالية من العطور، وخالية من الصبغة، وخالية من القسوة.
الحجم: 30 قطعة من التقشير
Use as part of your evening skincare regimen up to three times per week. After cleansing, gently apply to skin in small, circular motions to the face, neck, and décolleté. Can be applied all over the face, avoiding the lip and eye areas. Do not rinse after application. Wait a few minutes after application before applying other skincare. Protect with sunbetter sunscreen during the day for additional skincare benefits.
حدِّد الخيارات
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Better for skin,
Better for you
At The M-ethod™ Aesthetics, we provide you with ongoing skincare support (via WhatsApp/ text/ email/ phone) with each order. It's our way of showing appreciation and taking care of our clients. Get in touch to learn more.
Review recommended order of skinbetter science product application.
skinbetter's twist bottle packaging is thoughtfully designed to fully dispense from the inner bottle, giving you access to as much product as possible. Every skinbetter science twist bottle features an airless container to help maintain the benefits of our proprietary formulations over the course of their shelf life. Our twist-up pumps control the amount of product dispensed and prevent leakage during travel and storage. And speaking of travel, all of skinbetter's twist bottle products are air travel friendly!